All items (547)
- Sister Cat
- Skipper Zipp
- Skrink
- Skritz
- Sleeping Goose
- Sleeping Moose
- Sleepwalking Sheep
- Slow Creature
- Slow Joe Crow
- Smart Fellow
- Smiling Sam the Crocodile
- Snorter McPhail and his Snore-a-Snort Band
- Solla Sollew Traveler
- Song Girls
- Sort-of-a-Hen
- South-Going-Zax
- South-West-Facing Cranes
- Spots
- Spotted Atrocious
- Spritz
- Star Bellied Creature
- Star Bellied Fish
- Star-Bellied Sneetches
- Stout Fish
- Strawberry Jelly Fish
- Stroodel
- Sue
- Sue Snue
- Sunburned Fish
- Sylvester McMonkey McBean
- Tadd and Todd
- Ted Wiggins
- Tellar
- Ten Tired Turtles
- Ten-footed Lion
- The Bird (Hop on Pop)
- The Birthday Bird
- The Brothers Ba-Zoo
- The Cat in the Hat
- The Collapsible Frink
- The Foot Guy
- The Fuddnuddlers
- The Kwuggerbug
- The Little Cats
- The Mayor
- The Once-ler’s Mother
- The Pale Green Pants
- The Singing Thing
- The Sneetches
- The Snuvs
- The Stilt-Walker Walkers
- The Strangest odd creature, who ever did walk
- The Too Dangerous And Ugly And Vicious And Mean Beast
- The Unhuman Race
- The Vipper of Vipp
- The Zorax and the Groo
- The impleswitch
- Thickbills(Bird group)
- Thidwick
- Thin Fish
- Thin Fish (McElligot's Pool)
- Thing One and Thing Two
- Thing-A-Ma-Jigger
- Three Eyelashed Tizzy
- Thwerll
- Tick-Tack-Toe
- Tizzle-Top-Tufted Mazurka
- Tizzle-Topped Grouse
- Tommy
- Traveling Bass Player
- Traveling Kid
- Traveling Tuba Player
- Tweetle Beetles
- Twenty-Four Feet
- Twiddler Owls
- Two-Headed Eel
- Waiter Bird
- Waldo Woo
- Walking Colored Birds
- Warren Wiggins
- Wasket
- Wesley (the glowing boy)
- West Beast and East Beast
- Wet Pet
- Whales from If I Ran the Circus
- What Do You Know
- Whispering Walrus
- White Horse
- Whos
- Whose-horns-are-connected-from-one-to-the-other
- Wickershams
- Will
- Willy Waterloo
- Wily Walloo
- Wocket
- Worm
- Woset
- Wubble Chap
- Wump
- Wuzzy Woozoo