Dr. Seuss Wiki
Dr. Seuss Wiki

Mr. Am-I is the father of Guy-Am-I, the step-grandfather of E.B. Weebie, and the grandfather of Guy-Am-I Jr..

The Cat in the Hat | The Grinch | Max | Horton the Elephant | Morton the Elephant Bird | The Lorax | Sam-I-Am | Guy-Am-I
The Cat in the Hat
Thing One and Thing Two | Conrad | Sally | Carlos K. Krinklebine | Joan Walden | The Little Cats | Larry Quinn | Mrs. Kwan | Mr. Humberfloob | Nevins | Nick
How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Halloween is Grinch Night
Little Cindy-Lou Who | Whos | Lou Lou Who | Betty Lou Who | Mayor Augustus May Who | Martha May Whovier | Donna Lou Who | Bricklebaum | Groopert | Izzy | Euchariah Who | Obediah and Methiah | Josiah | Mariah | Sergeant Samuel McPherson | Wuzzy Woozoo
Horton Hears a Who!
Ned McDodd | Dr. Harold Hoovey | Jane Kangaroo | Morton the Mouse | Vlad Vladikoff | Sally O'Malley | JoJo McDodd | Wickershams | Rudy | Dr. Mary Lou LaRue | Mrs. Quilligan | Tommy | Katie | Hedy
The Lorax
Once-ler | Ted Wiggins | Aloysius O'Hare | Audrey | Bernice Wiggins | Grammy Norma | Barb-a-loot | Swomee Swan | Humming Fish | Once-Ler's Mother | Brett and Chet | Aunt Grizelda | Morty and McGurk | Cy O'Hare | Marie
Green Eggs and Ham
Michellee | E.B. | Mr. Jenkins | Hervnick Z. Snerz | McWinkle | Gluntz | Goat | Fox | Mouse | Yes-Man | Donna | Pam-I-Am | Looka | Phillip Trousers | Marilyn Blouse | The Dooka of Yookia | The Dookess of Zookia | Sylvester | Gobo | Bo | Guy Watcher
The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss
Terrence McBird | Fox in Socks | Mr. Knox | Yertle the Turtle | Thidwick | Sue Snue | Sarah Hall-Small | Matthew Katroom | Milo | Mick Maputo Bird | Uncle Norton
Daisy-Head Mayzie
Mayzie McGrew | Miss Sneetcher | Mr. Grumm | Mr. McGrew | Mrs. McGrew | Butch | The Mayor | Dr. Eisenbart | Finch | Finagle