Dr. Seuss Wiki
Dr. Seuss Wiki

Mr. Brown is the title character of Dr. Seuss' book "Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?"

As he was walking outside one day he happens to see a cow and he imitates the cow's noise, he realizes he can do many other wonderful things by imitating sounds and noises.

He also appears in Hop on Pop, but with glasses and a different look.

Sounds Imitated[]


  • Cow (Moo Moo)
  • Bees (Buzz Buzz)
  • Cork popping off a soda bottle (Pop Pop Pop)
  • Horse Clopping feet (Klopp Klopp Klopp)
  • Squeaky shoe (Eek Eek)
  • Rooster crowing (Cock A Doodle Doo)
  • Owl hooting (Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo)
  • Sound of Rain (Dibble Dibble Dopp Dopp)
  • Train going choo choo (Choo Choo Choo)
  • Butterfly whisper (Whisper Whisper)
  • Big Tuba horn (Blurp Blurp)
  • Big Cat Drinking (Slurp Slurp)
  • Sound of a clock (Tick Tock)
  • The sound of a door being knocked (Knock Knock)
  • The sound of an egg being scrambled in a frying pan (Sizzle Sizzle)
  • Hippopotamus chewing gum (Grum Grum Grum)
  • Fish kissing (Pip)
  • The sound of thunder clapping (Boom Boom) and lightning (Splatt Splatt)


  • Birds tweeting up in a tree (Tweet Tweet Tweet)
  • Elephants eating from a dish (Munch Munch)
  • Zebras chomping cake (Crunch Crunch)
  • Rattlesnake hissing (Hiss Hiss Hiss)
  • Frog croaking (Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit)
  • Turtles snoring on a log (Zzzzzzzzzz)
  • Car beeping (Beep Beep Beep)
  • Van vrooming (Vroom Vroom)
  • Guitar playing (Strum Strum
  • Ducks quacking (Quack Quack)
  • Music from an ice cream truck playing



He wears brown clothes a blue tie and a brown top hat


Like Gerald McBoing Boing, Mr. Brown doesn't talk words he makes sounds instead.
