- Middle Thingamabobsks
- Tizzlebobsks="hiddenStructure"
Kingdom: | Dr. Seuss Animalia |
Kind: | Birds |
Overclass: | Fluffy |
Class: | Good |
Order: | Thingamabobsks |
Families in the order: | *True Thingamabobsks
Bird kinds: | Obsks,Mazurkas and Gritches. |
Order latin names: | Obsk,Mazura,Garites. |
How to know is the bird a Thingamabobsk or not? - 3 things that all Thingamabobsks Have:[]
- It has hair on the head
- a sharp beak going up
- few have long necks
List of Thingamabobsks[]
- Obsk
- Green Obsk
- Tizzle-Top-Tufted Mazurka
- Sort-of-a-Hen
- The Strangest Odd Creature Who Ever Did Walk
- Gritch